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印刷 文字を大きくして印刷 ページ番号:0303578 更新日:2020年9月23日更新

1 . Certification and/or Notification for Car Parking Spaces (Garages)
All private automobiles must have certification for car parking spaces, except for twowheeledsmall automobiles, small-sized special purposevehicles, and light automobiles.
Exemption: This requirement does not apply to the following:
The certification for car parking spaces is waived ifthe primary location for use was in oneofvillages, (NOT cities ortowns,) as ofJune 1, 2000.
For light automobiles, the certification for car parking spaces is required only ifthe primarylocation for use is in the areas listed below.
The certification for car parking spaces is necessary ifthe primary location for use is in:
Former Niigata City (before the merger ofthe town ofKurosaki)
Former Nagaoka City (before the municipal merger in 2005)
Former Joetsu City (before the municipal merger in 2005)
For more detailed information, please contact the police station under the jurisdiction of the primary location for use.

2. Legal Grounds

2.1 Certification for Car Parking Spaces:
Article 4-(1), Act on Assurance ofCar Parking Spaces and Other Maters
Article 2, Order for Enforcement ofthe Act on Assurance ofCar Parking Spaces and Other Maters
Article 1, Ordinance for Enforcement ofthe Act on Assurance of Car Parking Spaces and Other Maters

2.2 Notification for Car Parking Spaces:
Article 5, Article 7-(1), Article 13-(3), Act onAssurance ofCar Parking Spaces and Other Maters
Article 3, Order for Enforcement ofthe Act on Assurance ofCar Parking Spaces and Other Maters
Article 3, Ordinance for Enforcement ofthe Act on Assurance of Car Parking Spaces and Other Maters

2.3 Mark for CarParking Spaces:
Article 6-(1), Act on Assurance ofCar Parking Spaces and Other Maters
Article 4, Ordinance for Enforcement ofthe Act on Assurance of Car Parking Spaces and Other Maters

3 . Types of Certification for Car Parking Spaces (Garage Certificates)

3.1 Initial Registration
E.g., anew or usedautomobile ispurchased, etc.

3 .2 Alternation Registration
E.g., theprimary locationfor use changes because ofmoving, etc.

3.3 Transfer Registration
E.g., the owner, etc. changes because ofresale ofthe vehicle, etc.

4. Requirements for a Car Parking Space (Garage) All
the requirements listed below must be met:
- It is located within a distance oftwo kilometers in a straight line from the primary location for use.
- It can be accessed from the road without hindrance and completely accommodates the automobile.
- The applicant holds title to its use for a parking space (garage).
Filing an application (at the window ofthe police station)

1. Necessary Documentation

1.1 Forms

1 . 1 . 1 Automobiles
Application Form for Certification for CarParking Space Two Copies
Application Form for Issuance ofMark for CarParking Space Two Copies

1. 1.2 LightAutomobiles (with a less than 660cc engine displacement)
Notification for CarParking Spaces One Copy
Application Form for Issuance ofMark for CarParking Space Two Copies

1.2 Supporting Documents/Atachments (The same applies to light automobiles.) Location
Map and Layout One Copy
Certificate ofTitle (either one ofthe followings) One Copy
a. In case the land/building forthe parking space is within your private property;
*Document Certifying the Title ofthe Parking Space (Acknowledgement)
b. In case the land/building for the parking space is within someone else’s property (either
one ofthe followings); *Consent to the Title ofthe use for the Parking Space, or a duplicate
ofthe contract. (Contact the police station ifthe required documents are not available.)
*must be within three months after the creation date.

2. Fee
Below is the fee for filing an application. Payment shall be made by Niigata Prefectural
revenue stamps*, available at the designated banks.
Fee for Application:
Fee for Certification for Car Parking Space: ¥2,200 (Worth Niigata Prefectural revenue
*Police stations do not sell revenue stamps.
**Regarding LightAutomobiles, the fee for Notification for Car Parking Space is free of
charge, but the fee for issuance ofa mark will be collected.
Fee for Issuance ofMark:
The fee for Issuance ofMark for Car Parking Space: ¥600 (Worth Niigata Prefectural
revenue stamps)
Note: The payment for Issuance ofMark will NOT be accepted at the time offiling an
application for Certification for Car Parking Space.

3. Application Submission
The application and notification are accepted at the police station with jurisdiction over the
location ofthe car parking space (garage). It is NOT the police station under thejurisdiction
ofthe primary location for use.

4. Hours
Applications must be submited between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., on Mondays through
Fridays. Windows are closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays, including the
year-end, and NewYear holidays from December 29 to January 3.

5. Forms
Application forms forthe parking space, etc. can be downloaded from the links below. Read
and accept the terms and conditions beforehand. To print out the forms, use white and plain
paper* on the size ofRowANumber 4 specified by Japanese Industrial Standards. The forms
are also available on request at police stations’ windows.
*Forms printed out on specialty paper (e.g. thermosensitive paper, etc.) will not be accepted.

Application Form for Certification for Car Parking Space

Notification for Car Parking Space

Application Form for Issuance ofMark for Car Parking Space

Supporting Documents/Atachments:
Location Map and Layout

Document Certifying the Title ofthe Parking Space (Acknowledgement)

Certificate on the Consent to the Use for Parking Space

Contact a police station in advance for a reissue application:
Application Form for Reissue ofCertification for Car Parking Space

Application Form for Reissue ofMark for Car Parking Space

Important Notice:

1. Application must be submited in person to the police station with jurisdiction over the
location ofthe car parking space. Application by mail will be rejected. The certificates and
marks are granted atthe police station where its application is filed.

2. Use the latest information. Revisions ofapplicable laws may result in a change in the
forms provided on this website.

3. All information must be correct and accurate. Ifthe documentation is incomplete, your
application process will be delayed. Contact a police station for assistance.

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