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“Niigata Declaration on the Promotion of Nishikigoi” At the World Nishikigoi Summit

印刷 文字を大きくして印刷 ページ番号:0547906 更新日:2022年11月7日更新

Niigata Declaration on the Promotion of Nishikigoi

At the World Nishikigoi Summit held on November 6, 2022, the Niigata Declaration on the Promotion of Nishikigoi was announced and adopted, based on a common understanding among the participating countries regarding the history and appeal of Nishikigoi and economic and cultural exchange through Nishikigoi.

It was declared that the participating countries would work together to further develop the Nishikigoi industry and to establish and expand a healthy Nishikigoi culture.

“Niigata Declaration on the Promotion of Nishikigoi” At the World Nishikigoi Summit

The origin of Nishikigoi is said have been caused by mutation in brown carp, which were raised for food in the Nagaoka City and Ojiya City regions of Niigata Prefecture, Japan. Since then, breeding improvements have been promoted over the ages, and representative varieties such as “Kohaku,” “Taisho Sanshoku,” and “Showa Sanshoku” were created one after another. Nishikigoi is now the national fish of Japan, with over 100 varieties in existence. Their artistic value is recognized around the world, earning them the name “swimming jewels,” and they are distributed and loved in more than 60 countries and regions.
In addition, Nishikigoi are not territorial, do not like conflict, and have a gentle character, so they play a role in international exchange as a symbol of peace.
We organized the World Nishikigoi Summit in order to share the appeal and recognition of Nishikigoi to people and regions all across the world, while also using the promotion of Nishikigoi as an opportunity to lead sustainable and developmental international exchange. We hereby declare that the participating countries will work together to further develop the Nishikigoi industry and establish and expand a strong culture of Nishikigoi.

November 6, 2022

○ We will strive to appreciate the diversified varieties of Nishikigoi to deepen our understanding of the appeal and history of Nishikigoi.

○ We will strive to further develop the Nishikigoi industry by properly evaluating and distributing the artistic value of Nishikigoi produced by the excellent techniques of the Nishikigoi breeders.

○ Taking this opportunity for the promotion of Nishikigoi, we will move forward to promote each country and region’s mutual understanding of culture and history, and promote further economic and cultural exchanges.


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